Sun Corridor MPO Strategic Transportation Safety Plan 2016


Safety Photo

Sun Corridor MPO completes first Strategic Transportation Safety Plan

With the population growth in the Sun Corridor region of Pinal County, development of a Strategic Transportation Safety Plan (STSP) has become necessary to help reduce fatal and serious injury traffic crashes in the region. Over the 10 year period of 2005-2014, the region experienced 16,525 crashes, including 243 fatal crashes. Interstate 10 had the highest number of total (3,332) and fatal (89) crashes in the region. The most common crash type in the region was single vehicle (4,455) which also had the highest fatal crash type (120). The Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization led the development of the STSP to identify traffic safety issues and to better position the region to obtain funding to improve transportation safety.

Emphasis areas for the SCMPO region were based on the emphasis areas identified in the 2014 Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) and contribute to the most overall crashes and/or fatal crashes in the region. The 10 emphasis areas for SCMPO are:

  • Speeding
  • Impaired Driving
  • Occupant Protection
  • Distracted Driving
  • Older Drivers
  • Young Drivers
  • Pedestrians
  • Intersections
  • Lane Departure
  • Weather-Related

The region defers to the Arizona SHSP for additional emphasis areas not listed above.

As part of the Strategic Transportation Safety Plan, safety strategies were generated for each of the above emphasis areas. These strategies are based on the 4 E’s of traffic safety: engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency services.

The Federal Highways Administration established five safety performance measure requirements for state DOTs and MPOs: fatalities, fatality rate, serious injuries, serious injury rate, and number of combined non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries. These performance measures have been used to set targets and evaluate year to year increase or reduction in crashes in alignment with the goals set by the Arizona Department of Transportation.

This safety plan, adopted by the Executive Board on March 14, 2017 represents the first Strategic Transportation Safety Plan for the Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization (SCMPO) region. This plan establishes a vision, goal, emphasis areas, strategies, network screening methodology, and potential safety projects for the region, consistent with those set forth by the Arizona State Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). The purpose of this safety plan is to
reduce the risk of death and serious injury to all transportation users in the SCMPO region.

  • The Body of the STSP contains  the Regional Vision and Goals. the identified Emphasis Areas and Safety Strategies for the Region, the Network Screening and Needs prioritization, the Final Implementation plan and much more!

SCMPO Strategic Transportation Safety Plan (STSP)

  • Appendix A of the STSP contains all the information and feedback from Public Meetings, Stakeholder Meetings, Board of Supervisor presentations, Executive Board Presentations and City Council Presentations as well as newspaper articles and Onlne Mapping Tool results.


  • Appendix B of the STSP is the Corridor Projects Report. It contains the identified safety corridors for the Region, specific  crash data for the corridors, detailed maps for proposed safety improvements to each corridor, a cost estimate worksheet for each corridor an HSIP Cost benefit ratio tabulation.



Contact Person: Jason Bottjen, Sun Corridor MPO
211 North Florence Street, Ste. 103
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
Telephone: (520) 705-5153